by liftingc | Aug 14, 2016 | Blog, Competition, News & Updates, Press Coverage
I thought to use a different title vs hello everyone, here is another blog post condensing everything that has happened over the past half year 🙂  This time, only 5 months have passed since the last one in March 2016. Though the Asian Weightlifting competition did not...
by liftingc | Dec 30, 2015 | Blog, Competition, News & Updates, Press Coverage
This year has been so action-packed, that I didn’t even get the chance to update my blog properly this whole year, oops – I did it one more time! From the Ride for Rights, to Saris to Suits to being on Buzzfeed – it’s been a very eventful time in my life, but here are...
by liftingc | Sep 16, 2014 | Blog, Competition, News & Updates, Press Coverage
I haven’t written a post since January of this year. 8 months! I have been better at putting updates on my Facebook page. I have had a lot of things going on since then and below is a summary — Causes Award Conference Panel Write-Ups Women’s...
by liftingc | Jul 22, 2013 | Press Coverage
These links are over one year old now, they are the articles that came out when my story first went public June 2011. The posts in this category are archives and links to news coverage that occurred then and until now. AJC 6/10/11 Atlanta TV WSB 6/10/11 WXIA 6/10/11...
by liftingc | Apr 26, 2013 | Blog, Non USA Press Coverage, Press Coverage
Original link to the article over at Aquila Style Muslim Women in Sport: Culture vs Religion April 26, 2013 12:02 AM by Fatima Fakier  In a guest article, Fatima Fakier reports on the cultural and religious influences at play in this often divisive issue and examines...
by liftingc | Aug 31, 2012 | Non USA Press Coverage, Press Coverage
Published in Pakistan newspaper The Friday Times August 31-September 06, 2012 – Vol. XXIV, No. 29. I was interviewed by Sonya Rehman, a Fullbright scholar living in Lahore, Pakistan. The unedited version is on her blog. She is a Fullbright scholar, and used...